The scenic images that Louisiana brings to mind—moss-draped cypress, lush marshlands, alligators gliding through bayous, herons coasting across an open sky—all spring from one of the most diverse and productive ecosystems on the continent. This varied and inviting landscape gives rise to one of the state’s many monikers, “Sportsman’s Paradise,” which rings true whether you are boating on picturesque Lake Martin or bird-watching among the ancient live oaks of Lafitte Woods. From the precious maritime forests of Grand Isle to the steep contours of Tunica Hills, Louisiana’s wild outdoors defines each region’s sense of place and value.
“Henry David Thoreau said it first and best, ‘In wildness is preservation of the world’.”
– CC Lockwood
“Photography is my excuse for venturing into the wild, my eyes, my brain, my soul seek the scene more than my camera.”
– CC Lockwood
“The camera is my tool, nature is my passion.”
– CC Lockwood

Wildlife photographer C.C. Lockwood has lived and worked in fragile ecosystems whose preservation shapes his artistry. Through words and images, he has captured the unique sense of space in wild places as diverse as Louisiana swampland and the rugged back country of the American West. His work has earned him international acclaim as an environmental artist, including the Sierra Club’s Ansel Adams Award for conservation photography. Lockwood’s work continues to reflect changes and perils in the natural world. His eleventh book, Marsh Mission, is part of a years-long effort by Lockwood to bring attention to the crisis of vanishing Gulf Coast wetlands. His newest book, Louisiana Wild, The Lands Protected and Restored by The Nature Conservancy, portrays the good work this organization is doing on over 280,000 acres of land in our state. C.C. said, “I felt like a kid in a candy store, when I started this project, for I got to visit swamps, lakes, marshes, prairies and oyster reefs from the Arkansas border to the Grand Isle wetlands.”
“Confusion in a crowd is healed by solitude in a swamp.”
– CC Lockwood

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Makes a wonderful personal gift!